Emergency Response:

We provide one of the best Emergency Response and most efficient ways to combat any problem. That one faces due to attack(Cyber Attack) from outside on their network, malware dropped in the system, or any other reason resulting which systems are disrupted and normal operation is a stopper.

It is one of the most important and significant aspects of our company. And our company does provide very good quality services.

Forming a response team and assigning responsibilities is one of the crucial steps in emergency response planning. If your emergency response team members are not familiar with their roles and responsibilities, important response actions may be missed.
The first person on-scene will typically serve as the Incident Commander (IC), until relieved by a more senior person

Computer Emergency Response Team:

Cyber Attack,Cyber Emergency, malware dropped in the system,

Responsibilities for the first person on-scene may include:

  • Taking appropriate personal protective measures
  • Notifying Supervisory Personnel and/or Incident Commander of the incident
  • Advising personnel in the area of any potential threat and/or initiate evacuation procedures
  • Eliminate potential ignition sources

Supervisory Personnel responsibilities may include:

  • Initiate initial response actions if they are the first person on the scene (see above)
  • Restrict access to the incident scene and surrounding area as the situation demands Take any other steps necessary to minimize any threat to health and safety
  • Request medical assistance, if necessary
  • Verify substance released and obtain Safety Data Sheets, as necessary
  • Identify and isolate source to minimize product loss
  • Coordinate further response actions with Incident Commander and local responders

Incident Commander responsibilities may include:

  • Activate the Emergency Response team
  • Activate additional response contractors and local resources
  • Evaluate the Severity, Potential Impact, Safety Concerns, and Response Requirements based on the initial information provided by the First Person On-Scene
  • Confirm safety aspects at site, including need for personal protective equipment, sources of ignition, and potential need for evacuation
  • Communicate and provide incident briefings to company superiors, as appropriate
  • Coordinate/complete additional internal and external notifications
  • Communicate with Emergency Response Team, as the situation demands
  • Direct response an cleanup operations
Emergency Response